Blackened Steak And Shrimp Alfredo is a rich and flavorful dish that combines blackened seasoned shrimp and top sirloin with a creamy alfredo sauce. It’s...
Crockpot Beef Stew is a wonderful dish, cooked to perfection with garlic, fresh herbs, potatoes, and carrots. Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 pounds beef...
This hearty and delicious Slow Cooker Sausage, Potatoes, And Cabbage dish brings together a combination of flavors that make it a comforting and satisfying meal....
There’s nothing quite like the comforting and delicious aroma of slow-cooked beef filling your home. Slow-Cooker Beef Tips combines the richness of tender beef simmered...
These Sliced Baked Potatoes are Hassleback-style cooked! They are sliced vertically from top to bottom then roasted until they’re golden brown. Potatoes are the ideal side...
Steak enchiladas are a hearty, flavorful dish perfect for satisfying cravings with a touch of Tex-Mex flair. This recipe combines tender, juicy steak, melty cheese,...