Have you ever tried Chicken Waldorf Salad? It is so scrumptious, easy, quick to come together, and fancy enough for company. This delectable salad comes...
Vegetable Beef Soup is made with tender chunks of slowly simmered chuck roast with onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and green beans. I love to...
Ingredients 4 large Anaheim or Pasillas chilies 2 cups cheese (a blend of Cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Cotija cheeses) Chili Relleno Sauce 1/2 cup tomatoes...
Ingredients: For pastry 1 cup all purpose flour plain flour ½ cup whole wheat pastry flour or additional all purpose/plain ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon...
This easy 7 Layer Dip is always a HUGE hit at parties, potlucks, gameday, and reunions. Refried beans, avocados, sour cream, cheddar, Monterey Jack, black...
Jalapeño Popper Grilled Cheese is a delectable combination of baked cream cheese-filled jalapeño, gooey cheddar, Monterey Jack cheese, and crispy bacon. It is sandwiched between...